Executive Coaching

Building a predictable revenue engine is hard even if you’ve done it previously.

For first time founders it can be a world of competing priorities, siloed teams and leadership turnover.

And yet who can you speak with?

You can’t share your doubt with your investors.

You can’t pass your fears down to your team.

Through my executive coaching engagements I provide a safe space where we’ll talk through your main revenue related challenges.

  • How are you thinking about structuring your revenue team?

  • How are you defining your revenue strategy and objectives?

  • How are you handling your hiring challenges and the need to develop or replace individuals?

  • How are you determining what to delegate to your revenue leaders and what to hold on to?

“There’s no-one else I can share this with”

“This feels a bit like therapy”

“Just talking this through has helped me decide what to do next”

As the founder of a Series A company, you should be hiring player/manager leaders for each of your Go To Market functions.

By definition these leaders should not be people that have extensive strategic experience building out an integrated revenue engine.

My coaching sessions fill the gap, providing you with access to experience, without having to hire the wrong person for the wrong stage of your business

How it works

  • Quarterly Cycle

    All coaching runs over a quarterly cycle. During the 12 weeks we’ll address what’s top of mind from a revenue perspective as you build out your go to market function.

  • Regular Checkins

    We’ll agree a weekly or bi-weekly cadence of calls where we’ll talk through what’s top of mind and you’ll evaluate your options.

  • Simple frameworks

    To help guide your thinking, where appropriate we’ll use simple frameworks, guides and assessments.

    These tools ensure you get concrete output to support the valuable discussions.

  • Challenging thinking

    My coaching is an advice-free zone. I’ll ask you challenging questions about your business, the decisions you are making and the options in front of you. You have the answers, I’ll just help you find them.